Customer updates for Stalemate

The latest updates and product improvements.

August 02, 2024

Enhanced Sorting of Stale Contacts by Priority

We are excited to announce an improvement to the Stalemate dashboard that will help you manage customer relationships more effectively. 

Our latest update enhances the sorting of stale contacts and companies by their priority on your dashboard. This means that high-priority contacts that need immediate attention will now be prominently displayed, making it easier for you to focus your outreach efforts where they are needed the most.
Key Benefits:
  • Improved Efficiency: Generate weekly updates faster and ensure they are consistent with your dashboard.
  • Enhanced Prioritization: The most important stale contacts are now highlighted, helping you address critical relationships promptly to reduce customer churn.
This update is designed to enhance your user experience by making it easier to identify and engage with high-priority contacts, ultimately improving customer engagement and retention.

August 02, 2024

Enhanced Prioritization for Customer Relationship Management

We are excited to announce the introduction of an enhanced prioritization feature designed to help you manage your customer relationships more effectively. 

This feature calculates a 'priority' score for each contact and company based on several key engagement metrics. 

Here's how it works:
  • Engagement Metrics: The priority score is derived from past engagements, last engagement date, next engagement date, and the value rank of the contact or company.
  • Weighted Factors: Past engagements, last engagement date, and next engagement date each contribute equally to the priority score, while the value rank is weighted more heavily to reflect its importance.
  • Background Jobs: New asynchronous background jobs have been added to ensure that priority scores are always up-to-date, integrating seamlessly with HubSpot.
This new feature will significantly enhance your ability to focus on high-priority relationships, thereby improving customer engagement and reducing churn. With more accurate prioritization, you'll be able to allocate your time and resources more effectively, ensuring that no valuable customer relationship goes stale.
We encourage you to explore this feature and provide feedback on your experience. Your insights will be invaluable as we continue to refine and improve our product.
Thank you for using Stalemate. We're committed to helping you maintain strong, lasting relationships with your customers.

August 02, 2024

Enhanced Deal Management and Webhook Handling

We are excited to announce a series of new enhancements designed to improve the precision and efficiency of deal management within Stalemate. These updates will significantly enhance your customer relationship management capabilities.
Here's what's new:
  • Comprehensive Deal Management: We've introduced new methods for handling deals, including creating, saving, deleting, restoring, and managing deal associations with contacts and companies. This ensures that your deal data is accurately saved and always associated with the correct contacts or companies.
  • Improved Property Changes Handling: The save_deal function has been updated to manage deal creation, property changes, restorations, deletions, and merges. This ensures your deals are always up-to-date and correctly reflected in your CRM.
  • Accurate Value Updates: The updated save_deal method also enhances the accuracy of company and contact values, updating their value and value rank. This provides better insights into your customer relationships and sales activities.
  • Enhanced Webhook Handling: Our webhook system now includes the BufferedWebhook model for managing webhook events during team imports, improving the efficiency and reliability of data synchronization.
These enhancements aim to provide you with a more robust and precise deal management experience, ultimately enabling you to maintain strong customer relationships and prevent churn. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for using Stalemate!

July 26, 2024

Introducing Value Rank Badges for Enhanced Engagement

We are excited to announce a new feature that will significantly enhance your user experience: Value Rank Badges, which you can find on the company and contact overview pages.
What's a Value Rank Badge?

Value Rank Badges indicate the relative value ranks of your companies and contacts. These badges visually represent rankings such as Number 1, Top 10, and Top 75, making it easier to identify your most valuable relationships at a glance. Your biggest customer will show as rank 1, your second to tenth largest customer will show the badge "Top 10," and so on up to 75.

The badges provide a quick and clear visual indicator of the engagement status of your contacts and companies, helping you prioritize interactions and focus on key stakeholders more efficiently.

By displaying these value ranks directly on the dashboard and index pages, you can navigate large datasets more efficiently and make better-informed decisions.
These enhancements align with our mission to help you prevent customer churn by monitoring engagement levels. The value rank badges will allow you to quickly identify relationships that might be at risk of going stale, enabling you to take proactive measures to maintain strong customer relationships.
We believe these changes will not only enhance your decision-making and engagement strategies but also make the platform more engaging and enjoyable to use.
We encourage you to explore these new features and see how they can benefit your workflow. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Happy engaging!

July 20, 2024

Enhanced Weekly Email Notifications

We're excited to announce improvements to our weekly Monday morning email notifications. 

These updates will help you stay on top of your customer relationships more effectively:
  • Consistent Data Retrieval: Our email system now uses the same method as your dashboard to calculate the top 10 stale records, ensuring coherence between the two.
  • Priority-Based Ordering: We've introduced priority-based filtering in the email updates. Your most important contacts and companies are now listed first, based on factors like past engagement, last engagement date, next engagement date, and value rank.
  • Faster Updates: Expect quicker generation of your weekly updates, making it easier to take timely action on stale relationships.
These enhancements aim to help you prioritize outreach efforts, boost customer engagement, and reduce churn.